Can Meditation Improve Hearing?

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  • Over the years, an increasing number of people have discovered the health benefits of meditation, from reducing stress, promoting emotional health, lengthening attention span, preventing addictions, and managing anxiety to increasing self-awareness, improving sleep, and decreasing blood pressure. This life-changing practice has also generated interest in people looking to improve their hearing.

    What is meditation?

    According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, meditation is a variety of practices that concentrate on integrating the mind and body. Some forms of meditation include progressive muscle relaxation, breath awareness meditation, mindfulness meditation, mantra-based meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction, transcendental meditation, and guided meditation.

    How does meditation influence hearing?

    Prolonged stress can reduce blood circulation in your ears, making you prone to sudden hearing loss. Since one health benefit of meditation is to reduce stress, meditation can significantly enhance your hearing by facilitating a healthy blood flow within your ears.

    By meditating, you’re preventing blood clots and improving your ability to focus and perceive various sounds. It is safe to say, then, that your hearing health is greatly affected not only by age and genetics but also by your ability to manage stress efficiently.  Aside from meditation, there are several ways you can improve your hearing health and prevent permanent hearing loss.

    Stop smoking

    Nicotine can disrupt the flow of blood, which is vital to maintaining good hearing health. To prevent hearing complications, avoid all nicotine products, such as tobacco, cigars, and electronic cigarettes. Instead of smoking to manage stress, engage in activities that can enhance your health and overall well-being.

    Keep the noise down

    One of the easiest ways to protect your hearing health is by regulating the volume level of your environment. Stay away from places with loud noises and people who cannot minimize their voices. Lower the volume to a comfortable decibel when using your gadgets or devices.

    Manage ear wax

    While ear wax is essential to our ears, too much of it can influence your hearing ability. Without proper treatment, excessive ear wax can cause complications such as tinnitus and hearing loss. Make it a habit to check your ears for ear wax and seek professional help to remove it.

    Be mindful of medications

    Certain medications and supplements can affect your hearing, so it is essential you consult with your doctor before taking any new medicines. Avoid self-medicating, and consider consuming vitamins and minerals that can enhance your hearing quality. Some options include zinc, magnesium, folic acid, and B vitamins. Remember to research the pros and cons of taking these supplements and ask your doctor when in doubt.

    Seek professional help

    Aside from regular doctor checkups, you should also routinely schedule hearing tests to monitor your hearing health. Hearing tests can help your doctor identify possible hearing loss symptoms and complications so they can address them right away. Be sure to choose a reliable hearing center that offers comprehensive and quality services, such as HearCanada.

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    1 year ago

    I’m so relieved to hear someone bringing this up! I’ve been dealing with this constant ringing in my ears for a while now. It was really starting to get to me. My therapist suggested I try meditating, and it really did the trick. I was trying all sorts of things like positive affirmations, visualization techniques, and even some natural remedies. But nothing was really making a difference except for the meditation. Just taking those few minutes each day to focus on my breathing and clear my mind seemed to do the job! 🙂