Experiencing burnout at work? Is your stress level going far too high? If you’re like most people experiencing mental health issues at work, you should seriously consider practicing yoga.
Numerous studies point to the amazing benefits of yoga in reducing psycho-emotional problems and improving employees’ physical health and general welfare.
There’s no wonder why many organizations are promoting yoga in the workplace. Aside from being very effective in addressing stress and burnout, this wellness practice requires low investment and minimal equipment.
Check out these tips on how to use yoga to manage stress and burnout at work 👇
Start your Day with Positivity
The best way to start your day is with a prayer or mantra, followed by work-focused contemplation. Spend 10 to 15 minutes journaling or writing down what you are grateful for, along with your goals for the day. You may arrive early in the office for this activity or you can do it at night before you sleep.
Try focusing on one positive work-specific affirmation to tune in your mind and body for a great day ahead. Examples are:
“I can transform obstacles to better myself.”
“I will do my job with integrity even when no one is looking.”
“My work has a purpose and it transforms people’s lives.”
“Other people depend on my service.”
Cultivate Mindfulness Throughout the Day
Yoga teaches you to be mindful. Regular practice can train your mind to focus on the present moment and overcome distractions. This is a very helpful skill that can greatly benefit you at work.
The workplace can be full of distractions. Even if you’re working in a physical office or in your home, distractions are everywhere. They could be in the form of social media notifications that don’t seem to stop, emails that come in while you try to focus on your task, a co-worker trying to start a conversation, etc.
Once you have your to-do list, focus on the tasks at hand. Silent your phone, close your email and don’t be intimidated by the lengthy list of tasks that wait for you.
If you find yourself straying from the present task, acknowledge it without judgment, and then return to your original task.
Reboot your Drive
Instead of checking your social media feed, use your breaks to perform a few stretching exercises to reset your mind and body. This is especially helpful when you start feeling drained. Find a room where you can practice a quick yoga session or do a short “walking meditation” during your lunch break.
Afternoon slump? You can do some yoga stretches without even leaving your desk. Some great exercises to do are neck circles, fan pose, shoulder rolls, and seated side bend.
Practice Together

If your colleagues are also interested in practicing yoga, consider bringing this up to your management. Many workplace wellness programs are based on employee needs and interests. Your manager might be glad to know that you’ve come up with a great suggestion to promote employees’ well-being.
Forbes, HBO, and Apple are just some of the many successful companies that offer on-site yoga classes for their employees.
Maintain Work-Life Balance
Stress and burnout are very common these days, even among those who work from home. In fact, remote workers tend to experience more stress because their working setup allows them to remain “connected” all the time, with most employees checking in with work in the evenings and during weekends.
No matter where you work, taking a break is very much important. Lack of rest is the main reason for burnout. Make sure to allow your mind and body to recharge by doing something else, such as practicing yoga.
Main Benefits Of Yoga In The Workplace
Yoga has a lot of benefits to workers, from increased energy levels to better productivity.
Increased Energy
Yoga is an excellent energy booster. It is scientifically linked to balancing energy levels and promoting both energy and relaxation. Studies suggest that certain yoga poses can effectively reduce fatigue.
In addition, active poses promote blood flow throughout the body, which helps combat fatigue and counter some effects of prolonged sitting.
Reduced Stress
Several studies have shown that this mind-body practice can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can also improve mood and enhance one’s overall sense of well-being. Yoga also incorporates meditation, which in turn helps you relax as you learn to be mindful and aware of the present moment without judgment.
Increased Confidence
Practicing yoga regularly gives you a sense of empowerment. It improves your focus, flexibility, posture, strength, and general fitness, which all can increase your confidence levels.
Yoga teaches you to feel and be comfortable with your body and explore its ability, rather than shaming yourself constantly. This is a very powerful approach to cultivating self-love and self-esteem.
Increased Focus
Heavy workloads, crunching deadlines, peer pressure, and many other factors can create mental clutter, hindering your ability to focus on your tasks and do them efficiently.
Yoga is a great tool for clearing your mental clutter, enabling you to focus on the present moment. It helps you become more alert, focused, and productive. Furthermore, practicing yoga also improves blood circulation in the brain, which boosts brain function and mental power.
Increased Morale
With the stress-relieving benefits of yoga, it also goes to say that this mind-body practice can elevate your mood and boost your morale. When you practice yoga regularly, you will notice that you can manage your emotions well. You are also more motivated and confident as you feel better and healthier.
Yoga has a lot of benefits to employees.
Incorporating yoga in your daily life is a wonderful way to manage your stress levels at work, helping prevent burnout and other mental health issues. The best thing about yoga is it’s very easy to do and requires very minimal equipment. You can even perform some poses right at your desk!
If you’re looking to combat stress, increase your confidence and focus, and become healthier, make yoga a part of your routine.
I think that the use of yoga to manage stress and burnout at work is a great idea! It not only provides a physical outlet to release stress, but also a mental one. By focusing on the poses and breathing exercises, it can help to refocus and center the mind. I think that employers should consider incorporating yoga into their workplace if they want to help their employees manage their stress levels. You can also check this amazing blog post Guided Meditation For Stress And Anxiety To Help You Relax for more information.https://yourmentalhealthpal.com/guided-meditation-for-stress-and-anxiety/