Jeffrey Pflaum, a former educator (NYCDOE), considers himself a teacher-developer-researcher-experimentalist. He created innovative projects in EI, SEL, identity, creativity, poetry, writing, thinking, reading, self-other-world-awareness, and values clarification. “The Contemplation Music Writing Project” uses music, contemplation, reflection, writing, and discussion to lead young people on peaceful journeys of self-discovery, -understanding, -motivation, and -education. His curriculum is a chapter in, Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens, edited by Dr. Amy Saltzman and Dr. Christopher Willard (Guilford Press, 2015). Pflaum’s book, Motivating Teen and Preteen Readers: How Teachers and Parents Can Lead the Way (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2011), presents his original reading techniques. Educators and researchers can access his “internal education” programs at:,,,, and